not much to say here, except when ninja broke into the house, i knew where you got the sound effect from. it was just boring.
not much to say here, except when ninja broke into the house, i knew where you got the sound effect from. it was just boring.
i like it
i like almost all samurai type things and it was pretty funny when the guy and his master talked! ist really goo keep it up
Good in a bad sort of way. Have a 6, on the house.
Stay Turned?
I kinda like the sparse, Deadly Towers look to it... unfortunately the accompanying script was similar to the look.
Not much more than an animation of the mandatory sword-drawing sound, but not completely horrible. Good in a goofy kind of way.
well that was a complete waste of time poor on everything its too short and absolutely nothing happened oh so he got kicked out of a window big deal extend the b****y thing