not as good but still funny
I liked the fist one better, but your making a fan out of this shit presents: That's Our Saddam 02
not as good but still funny
I liked the fist one better, but your making a fan out of this shit
i threw doodie at a fan once... what a mess... my maw was like "you better clean that up 'for paw gits home... he'll tan your hide"... i don't play with doodie anymore...
I(hahahah)cant(hahaha)stop(hahahah)laughing(hahaha)This(hah aha)Is(hahahah)Funny(hahaha)as(hahaha)hell!(ahahahah)
someone call an ambulance! this man's broken his tribulator!
Good show. Ending on "That's our Saddam!" is catchy. Pretty funny when Saddam goes "I forgot!"
that's what he does! he's a cute little fella sometimes...
Great movie
This was really funny. Hah, I like how you guys animated the characters. The sound is really good, and the animation wasn't the best, but it was still good. The laughing crowd in the background was a good touch.
yeah, it's kind of a potluck with us... you never know if you're gonna get some live action or some animation... or some both... or some neither...
hahah that laugh track is awesome. great job. work on the animation quality a bit more.
my idea was to keep the animation cheesy and stagnant rather than putting a tremendous ammount of effort into making it smooth... the comedy's there... it should bite you in the face...