yea like that can ever happen! rofl! *rolls eyes* gay but i only subbmited it cuz i want to show some people my latest movie i made called nobody's listening it deals with the probablems of bullying today.The movie "the puncher girl" is gay so u dont even have to watch it but u can if u want.
yea like that can ever happen! rofl! *rolls eyes*
Not much of a short, but as a concept test...
You graphics were kind of weak, but the direction of the action was pretty good, although far too short. The humor would have had a lot more impact if the graphics didn't suffer so much in the still shot at the end. Oh well, nice idea.
This is just plain gay...
What's the point? This was just plain gay and I wished I could sue you for wasting my time.
i didnt waste ur time its ur fault for watching
Did i just trip and press the 0 button?
Dude, this flash sucked. Now you will probably go all crazy and say, oh em gee double you tee eff! What the shit, dood!!111oneoneone! You don't even have a flash!!!!1111111111111 I roxxorz!!! Well, screw you. I know flash is hard, but it doesn't kill you to actually put some work into it.
well, well..alright
it's average.
it's really not that bad. interesting concept, decent joke.