Not very Original...
This is the sort of mediocre entry I'd expect to see at SFDT...(haven't been there in a while...) and even If the graphics were better... levels? Come on man, I know you can do better then this. Well, here's the review... (brace yourself)
Graphics: Stick Figures went out of style a long time ago. Aside from that, as a flash artist, I know you used the line tool, so this animation probably toke you about a day to make... (By estimate...) You get a 4.
Style: This was the main flaw. It plays out like a crappy video game. And it was way too short. You get squat on this one. (aka 0)
Sound: All you had was gun shots. No music... no speaking.... No nothing... So... obviously you get nothing in return. 1. (And im being generous on this one)
Violance: No blood, no limbs, nothing but senceless shooting. 2. (but you really deserve a 1.)
Interactivity: A play button. Thats all you had. 0.
Humor: Nothing funny here. 0.
On average you get a 3. I hate giving bad reviews but this can't be ignored. I hope you improve on your animation, otherwise I suggest you get a new hobby.