If you just get rid of certain bugs like enemies being imortal, turning ivesible so you can only see their guns, and if you put ammo and health boxes in random places then i think you would have a fairly decent game.
Direction keys= move/duck/jump
click = shoot
1,2,3= rifle,rocketlauncher,autorifle(cant use yet)
return/enter = hyper jump (ability u will acquire later in the game)
I know there are many glitches!! (sorry, i suckz0r at programming but I spend alot of time on it!!!
Also, because of all teh actionscripting, its gunna go slooowwwww
I originally mad ethis game to duplicate the popular game, "heli2." However, it has become an awesome project, and I'm planning to create more including new guns, cutscenes, and etc. (the cutscene will explain why u start off in the water lol)
Tell me what you think!!!!! Write Reviews!!!!!
If you just get rid of certain bugs like enemies being imortal, turning ivesible so you can only see their guns, and if you put ammo and health boxes in random places then i think you would have a fairly decent game.
I cant wait till you finish it and get rid of the bugs!!! Such as some of your enemies being immortal! And walking on mid air!
It is good for a test
now less see the real thing .
One word
Awesomefull.......yeah that was cool but it was kinda glitchy if you backtrack you can push the dead bodies into the wall.
Not bad
Dont be put off by the graphics and the jerky game play. This is such an addictive game and the sounds were amusing as well