no that is my review
Here is a small game i cooked up for a laugh it is mainly a joke between me and BEAST (author of espinage chip, hammer time, and THE GREAT HOSTAGE SITUATION SERIES) i reccomend you watch his movie's before judging this or you wont get the joke.
no that is my review
The comment below me pretty much states all I will.
Anyways, another lame whack-a-mole clone, at least you can hit these ones instead of the others, where they'd just go way too fast.
i kept thinking... i played this, that something interesting must reward me for repeatedly just shooting whack-a-mole type guys over and over, and what makes them think i care. this is a boring game with no near payoff. friend Munky2k1 thought it was funny
I on the other hand didnt like it...have seen most of those movies and still thought it sucked. I would rather watch a game where tone lok scratches his nuts with an electric fence.
Score: 7790
i see everyone who reviewed this game gets a comment back from the author.
damn right