thx man
this really helped alot :)
My Tutorials covers websites this week.
thx man
this really helped alot :)
Nice tut
I think you put it on the desired button's script part :).
That was a very nice tutorial, it helped a lot (most of it i already new but apart from that lol).
Keep it up!
the only thing I am confused on is what to do if you have more than one layer on your main site page, which frame do you put the:
on (release) {
Script. or does it matter if you have layers or not? please help.
Its ok but I cant upload flash into my site.
How do you upload flash onto your site. Mines under construction but can I make a site on a free hosting server using flash?
I cant figure it out please help me.
It was ok
It was ok But I need to know how to upload the flash file on to my website.