no sound
it was a cool game but there was no sound atleast you could of put some car noises
for controls
up arrow : gas
back arrow : reverse
left arrow:left turn
Right arrow : right turn
For other car controls are ::
w: gas
a:left turn
d:right turn
no sound
it was a cool game but there was no sound atleast you could of put some car noises
flat out sucked
pigs will fly when u go to the gameing industry
Its a good idea. Make a fucking single player mode tho. It sucks that u need 2 peeps. The idea of a Pit is cool tho
It's got some potential if ya give it some more time... Maybe even a weak ass sound or two. I should try it with a friend... probably be fun to punch them in the face while racing :-)
haha that was boring sry and that european freaked me out