would have been better if you had put more in it, and not so confusing
A shadow lurks in a distelled city only to find a pair of headphones where they enter the world of trance!!! Personally i like this, has a nice dark atmosphere and the 3d turned out nice.. ;) Trance 4eva
would have been better if you had put more in it, and not so confusing
im being generous here...
i dont understand this, i mean you find headphones in middle on an ally....right, get more expierence you sad piece of shit..
Wierd, dark music, a shadowy figure, and headfones
no offence... but it looks kinda...... dumb'
I donno we'll see right?
I would have liked to have been able to see this
I found the agressive black on black colour scheme a little difficult to see against the black background. It took me several moments to find the pale black "PLAY" button on the black stage, and when I could finally play the movie back, I found it hard to see the black character whenever he was standing in front of the black background.
In fact, this whole animation was so unrelievedly black, all I can say for certain that I saw was a rainstorm, and a set of black headphones.
Okay.. nice litte ode to a Garage DJ/Batman thing... but it was like you made it Paint? it was all the 'shadow' was really pixilated... I think you took the "leave them wanting more" idea to the extreme