NO music dont bother me... Just no bad music... But it was pretty funny :P You should make little recordings of halo and do a voice-over...
A few things before you click on the button.
1)this is my very first work on Flash, or any program used here, for that matter.
2)It has no music. Please forgive that. I couldn't find any music that would suit this work.
3) Permission WAS given by Nuklear Power's Brian to use quotes from 8 bit theater.
NO music dont bother me... Just no bad music... But it was pretty funny :P You should make little recordings of halo and do a voice-over...
dude your soooo fucking awesome and agree with MAC-CON u should make one with halo2 and add sound.good work:)
Dude. DUDE. dude. DuDe. That was great. Make a Halo 2 one and add music. DDDDUUUUUDDDDEEEE!!!
that was good
dont worry about it I liked it so keep makin them this way I found the comic layout to be quite refreshing for halo so keep makin these and ignore those idiots who gave it a bad score. speaking to you guys have you ever read a comic I think he did a good job with it and read like you were reading a comic
good job and for music use that halo theme music stuff get permission from the guy who made the music mixer but make sure you dont make it too loud sometimes it takes away from concentration I look forward to seein other works like this whether they are made by you or not.
This is an insult to halo
as HighHat314 said you had alot of things wrong, hte jokes were cheesy, it sucked! poor quality, and another thing, there is NO animation involved in this NONE!!!! just a bunch of poor quality photos. this makes me wanna puke! this is an insult to halo, one of the best games ever created. i dont care that your a noob, maybe youshould put some work into your animations i mean pictures.