Ty man
hey man that was so cool,right and awsome i give you a 10.I love this song and now i love it more i seen a video of this song on 9 11 Ty.keep on singing.
this movie is just a way of shaowing how most people in the new grounds bbs are usualy assholes
and HeinousDude helped me find materal for this movie i'd like to incude him as a co author but he like many orther people hates me and i can't get him to be a buddy
Ty man
hey man that was so cool,right and awsome i give you a 10.I love this song and now i love it more i seen a video of this song on 9 11 Ty.keep on singing.
what is with people?
there is so much hate in the bbs these days. so many people picking fights with eachother, saying rude and even racist things. it really is sad and pathetic.
So true
That was so true it made me cry a little lol.
loved it
besides the fact you spelled "Where" wrong it was still a good flash
thanks you oh and so no one thinks your nuts i fixed the name!
damn right you are!! first time i came here...
I was like: wtf! at other forums the get pissed of if you say fuck, some more times and ya iz banned! but lots of the big mouths are just kids who want to show: I kan say fuck you this, fuck you that in one line.
not everyone is full of hate, some are helpfull. but yeah it's true, a lot of hate going on.
nice movie to show that!
damn i loved that ozcar part!lol