make a video of Sonic becomes SpiderHog that would be better
This is the second part which was well worth waiting one day for! :P I have the sprites all ready its now just a case of adding story to it! Expect part 3 soon!
make a video of Sonic becomes SpiderHog that would be better
First of all no nudity for both. a little mild violence. I can't hear adio(no sound on my com.) Some mild Text. All of them for both.
Second of all keep it coming.
Yeah I have no idea what I was thinking when I made this 4 years ago. I do have ideas to re-invent spider-hog and I did make a ton of Sprites for another one to make it better, but I've advanced waaaaay past this. I mean I can actually tell a story now. Thanks for the Review anyway.
its alright
it was alright, the animation was a bit crappy and the story line didnt make much scense, but apart from that good job
good work again dude!
i reviewed spider hog 1 and this one is cool dude!
spider hog 1 was good, but this is better, i usally hate sequels but this is cool
2 thumbs up!
Very pathetic.
Spiderhog has no powers as far as I know. There's no sound, and there seems to be no plot. This mix of video game characters is ok, but please make them work together and not just talk!