R.I.P Live Corpse
I never knew live corpse until i read the ng time trails.Now i am watching all of his videos.What i now know of Live Corpse is he had problems.R.I.P Live Corpse no one in New Grounds will forget you.
Dude spews blood on his wife, Peanut Butter Jelly Time ensues.
R.I.P Live Corpse
I never knew live corpse until i read the ng time trails.Now i am watching all of his videos.What i now know of Live Corpse is he had problems.R.I.P Live Corpse no one in New Grounds will forget you.
no one will forget u. this was the first flash movie i ever saw on ng the day i sign on with my old name chiklay3 u had made more movie then other ng flash artist R.I.P LiveCorpse
RIP Livecorpse
No we still havn't forgotten about you.
A good movie besides. The graphics were nice, but your movie description text gives away the punchline.
Please make sequel, kthx.
Pretty good.
Good for a dead guy, maybe if we go through his stuff, some of which funny, (I haven't seen them all but the ones I saw were funny) and can laugh and remember the good things, he really won't be gone.
We'll have his memory here which can and will never take his place but it will give us something.
Very fine work.
great work, man we're all gonna miss you.