ZOMG I think I almost had a seizure during that lol, but yeah dude your videos are amazing!!
Well, I almost didn't make it, but here it is, THE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. And don't let my commentary in the movie fool you, this movie has non-stop action until my end credits. *WARNING* Anybody who has a tendancey of seisures should NEVER WATCH THIS EPISODE!!!
I've fixed some of the repetitive scenes and added a few things to make the movie BETTER!
ZOMG I think I almost had a seizure during that lol, but yeah dude your videos are amazing!!
WHOOP! There go my brain cells!
Dear God, SO MANY BANANAS! Exthelent Chrithtmath rave, good thir!
Stupid is right..but hell im stupid and stupid is funny....THE BRIGHT LIGHTS THE BANNAS THE BOTTOS!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!1
christimas is comming up again!
And that means i'll have to watch this flash 10 times a day again like last christmas! I love this movie it's sooo addictive. the song is catchy and it's impressive how you sync'd the sound with the lights and everything perfectly. Good job please make new botto movies it's been like a year :(
It was alright. Nothing too special but it was ok. Its banana man!