funny, but completely wierd, wtf are you going on about, the PS3 owns, BILL GATES IS A GREEDY CUNT WHO WILL END UP RUINING SONY!!!
In about 8 hours time we should have uploaded our Viggo Mortensen is Great movie. Not sure if that'll be the name at the end but we've finished the thing and it will be up later. Pimping isn't easy, you know.
UPDATE: Underdog of the week? Oh crap, now this is the only thing people are going to associate us with. This was done in a day, I did the audio after I got home from work and then got stoned with friends and put pictures to it. Get Metal Gear 2 looks nicer, go see that instead.
Oh, and I DON'T LOVE X BOX! Or any other console. I own a PS2, a PC and a Gamecube, and I prefer getting drunk to all of them. So kiss my lilly white british arse.
Right click and select PLAY to play
I hate Sonys hype and lies. This was inspired by their recent press release about the PS3.
funny, but completely wierd, wtf are you going on about, the PS3 owns, BILL GATES IS A GREEDY CUNT WHO WILL END UP RUINING SONY!!!
pretty cool
really funny, see if you can make another one for the wii or x-box 360
hes right about how good it is!!! he forgot about the 8 layers of digital graphic processing while 360 only has 3. noob fag jockeys. go hump ur fagster queef from gaylo pee.
iv got a ps3 and i still found that funny
Fucking hell...
That was fucking amazing!