This is an animation made by Michael, and it shood hopefully rule...
thnx 2 Metalica for ure wonderful audio
and ID Software for the sprites and fx
pretty good
this submission is quite good for a trailer thats why i gave it 9/10
and 4/5
Was okay
I liked it for fact of being Doom and Metalica, Had only one monster being killed tho...
it was ok hopfully youll make the new one better
i will watch the new one but workharder!
the flash movie - you're attitude
Personally I think that the flash movie is good, compared to you're other works you've improved a lot, it was quicker and you used some nifty techniques. I don't advice you to reply to critisism as badly as people give you it. Just because you find what they say offencive doesn't mean you can discriminate, crontradict yourself and just be as bad back, it makes you as bad as them.
As for 'retard' and 'you're mum' *quoting from what you reply* its just damn stupid and annoying so dont sink to their level.