pretty good
not bad could have done with a little work but other than that its not bad like he could have at least picked the strings while he was playing towards the beginning
I actually took time on this, so don't rate it too bad. It got a little crappy at the end because the end of the semester is coming. And I need this to be finished to get my credits. I'm gonna work on a song by Static X or something.
pretty good
not bad could have done with a little work but other than that its not bad like he could have at least picked the strings while he was playing towards the beginning
You fool
1) There are 4 members fo nofx
2) the singer (fat mike) is the bassisit not guitarist
if your going to do something do it right,
otherwise it was good
Thanks on the last part. And as I stated before, I wasn't aiming for perfection on the bands part. Cloning NOFX wasn't my goal, my goal was to make up a band of my own. I was aware of your statements too, NOFX was my favourite band for the longest time.
Not bad
That was pretty good, amazing song of course. But I think smelly would be a little bit embarassed if he knew he was being replaced in a spoof band by someone wearing a Hurley shirt. Geez. well, good video anyways.
lol well I wasn't aiming for making a replica, I wanted to make something more original so I made my own band, I'm gonna make a replica next though. I'll try harder
Lol, a funny music video
Nice windows bashing, it's hilarious and true. The graphics could improve, and the first time the guy (originally on the audiance's right) pops up, he should be INFRONT of the guitar, it looks weird the way it is. And at the end, it looks like his arm just stops... or it's growing out of the guitar... good job though.
I know it's true heheh, and I finally figured out how to animate a bit better, I did alot of tweening and ran out of time at the end, semester is finishing soon and I had to be finished by then.
hey, go fuck urself CDLs420
u dont kno good songs u queer bag. so go stick in ur ass. Anyways, 7|-|1$ |=|_|<|<1|\| |>\/\/|\|7$
(this fuckin owns) ur on my fav list. make more, ur good, just improve graphics a bit more.
Thanks, appreciate it. And I'm thinking of making one to a Finger Eleven song.