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Window To Your SouL(TRLR)

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This is a short trailer about my upcoming movie...i like the whole idea of symbolic things in life...like the title=symbolic...hope you enjoy.. (TRAILER) PLZ I KNOW ITS SHORT BUT JUDGE IT ON ITS QUALITY NOT LEGNTH PLZ..~~~~JUST UPDATED!

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Well, I can't understand this flash at all. It seems to hold very little point to whatever it is that you are trying to get out. Next time try making it LONGER, and try putting mouths on the people so they could at least TRY to talk! Usually flashes have a point in their creation. Yours seems to lack that. Next time... Try making a flash.


There isn't much i can say about this movie besides the fact that it was completely pointless... They had no mouths and they barely moved, it was extremely short, and this type of stuff shouldn't be posted on newgrounds unless it is completely finished... Why post a trailer for something upcoming? Either the author was really bored or really fucking stupid...

It needs work...

Overlooking the fact that it is so short, this trailer provides no information on what a viewer is so suppose to look forward to. No glimpse into the character besides that he has a window and weird wall paper. I'm not excited about this at all and I don't see why anyone would be. I can see potential here for an interesting style if you rounded it out more. I would say submit more for a trailer once you have worked out more details and have a better synopsis that you can boil down into a trailer form.

well it sux it's scoring so bad...

because i really see potential here.

can't wait to see the full version.


Not bad...

Not a lot of content, but I did'nt see much sybolism or much of anything, but I like your animation style.

Credits & Info

2.97 / 5.00

Dec 16, 2003
10:14 PM EST