I give you something for being the first car chase flash I've seen on NG. I wish you had used better sound effects though. The gun shots sounded like little pops and when the car lands on the roof it's just a small tap.
So guys, I havn't really proved myself yet, but I'm pretty confident w/ this one, PLEASE vote at least 3 :_( .
Anyway, I was playing the Getaway on PS2 and I thought, I would like to see a car chase flash. So I searched newgrounds, and all the car chase movies were CRAP. So, being little, creative me, I decided to make on. Hard work it was. Here you go.
Also check out the stunt creator, click on the stunt you want, then the car mode you want, then click GO in the bottom right. Voila! A makeshift stuntman doing nutsy stuff in a car.
Ive moved sites to my band's site!
I give you something for being the first car chase flash I've seen on NG. I wish you had used better sound effects though. The gun shots sounded like little pops and when the car lands on the roof it's just a small tap.
even tho im ok w/ simple...
i dont no about the movie, it didnt make much sense. the dying was the funny parts, and that was great. the creat-a-stunt thing was good, but everything else was just avg. make a sequel w/ more stunt opts and a more sensical main video and ill giv u all our 5s that r b blong 2us.
NO. sorry dude
it was pretty poor man.
improve your drawing so you dont have those crappy just past stick figure people.
why dont you make it then
creativity please..
come on..u could created more than that..
maybe you should
I like the car designs, but they need some sorta detail, like in the windows, effects, dents etc, good chase though, it shows effort...
But it took ages! f**k you (stfu ryan!!!)