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FF: A new obstacle...

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FFIV characters meet a new obstacle...

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More effort needed

I gave you a one for trying. Despite the fact that it wasn't funny at all, and getting over that pipe took up most of the time I will give you a star since you bothered to make it. It looks like it took like 5 seconds to make. I look forward to seeing you improve.


As a FFIV fan, I thought THIS SUCKED DICK.

this sucks :)

First, this wasn't funny.
The text progression was slow.
The music is old and loops way too fast. Mario's music isn't enough anymore.
You used the word "gay" in a very stupid and fucked up way.
Yeah, so, this entry sucked. Try again with maybe better music, faster text, better effects, and try humour.

Somewhat good

The humor was the only thing i really enjoyed about this flash. Ive seen you do better work. I dont know if this is something you did a long time ago but it definately left me want something better. On principle i can only give this a 2. Sorry dude. A lot of the other work you've done has been good though. hope to see a new creation soon.


A few minutes of my life I will never get back. Swearing repeatedly isn't funny, as you must've thought when you made this flash. All you seemed to do was drag o such stupid dialogue throughout the movie. And can we stop with the fucking Clinton jokes already? The guys not our president anymore, so shut up already!

Credits & Info

3.30 / 5.00

Dec 15, 2003
8:24 PM EST