That was...
I think you could've done better with the graphics. I didn't like the music. The violence was kiddie, the only good one was the gun part. You could've done better. Shame on you >:-(
Jon's a guy in school who's really annoying 'n' gay. I thought it would be good if I made an animation killing him different ways. (seeing as I'm only gonna be able to kill him once in real life)This time, its christmas for Jon and he's been given presents by some of his "friends"...
That was...
I think you could've done better with the graphics. I didn't like the music. The violence was kiddie, the only good one was the gun part. You could've done better. Shame on you >:-(
it was ok if i want to kill time but it otherwise that was crap. i whoulden't continue on this because that was crap. it was too long and the violence was compleate crap.
Homophobic and sad
Three things:
1) Homophobes are usually closet homosexuals who hate themselves. If you're gay, don't make a Flash about killing youself. It's pathetic and sad.
2) It's really pitiful that you feel you have to work out your sexual confusion in a Flash clip. Get some therapy. It works better.
3) Always wear a rubber when you're giving Jon a pounding.
It's not a frisbee, its a slightly overexhadurated quiff!
Keep up the good work Ted, i'm looking forward to Xmas Jon 2 or any other Anti-jon seasonal delights ;)
Ah it made me laugh so...and i'm not just sayin that cos i made the music (yup...all me, would u believe it?!) but don't forget to take home that serious message behind the movie...Jon's gay, and i hope it inspires you to make an anti-jon movie too. btw, the hair is cool, its supposed to look like that, and he looks just like that in real life.
Cheers again Sami for the music, twas grĂȘt. And all those watching this should heed the message Sami put forward, Jon IS gay!