Where are the other 6?
The in movie graphics still need a lot of work, like the Kashinnu series but you gave it a more cinematic feel in the "Z" series.
But one question remains. Where are the other 6 episodes?
If this episode is liked i'll get the rest up aswell. I put 7 up first because it's probably the most action packed so far.
Where are the other 6?
The in movie graphics still need a lot of work, like the Kashinnu series but you gave it a more cinematic feel in the "Z" series.
But one question remains. Where are the other 6 episodes?
that was one of the best flash movies i have ever seen. good job man freaking great.
Where are the other 6?Why have you submitted 7,8,9,10,but not the ones before that?Ive missed out a lot in those 6 episodes!Submit them!Youve gotten a lot better att animation now too!
The first 6 need alot of work. As soon as I redo them they'll be up.
Very nice
I agree with the last review. The last drawing you did is awesome. I like the other stuff in it but it seems cheezy. Maybe that is just my perspective but I suggest changing it a little. Over all very nicely done. I definitly recommend putting the other episodes on this site. Also, if that is the most action out of all of them you may want to change that. Just an idea.
This is the latest episode I've done. I want to go back and redo the others before I put them up. I just wanted to see what people thought of the animation and graphics and stuff first.
Hey wait!
I like your style! But listen to me carefully I want you to write a reveiw back to me and write if you will take my advice! You know that drawing you did at the end of the movie? That was pretty damn good, I think you should use the Brush Tool instead of the Line Tool, and instead of having it comic style animate those characters like in your drawing! Because the one in the movie just then is really different to the character you drew. Go with the Brush tool not the Line Tool! And animate smoothly not comic style???? Write back as soon as you see this reveiw! Please I hope this helps the series and brings it to new heights?????
Or you can email me at pppjroberts@iinet.net.au
But good movie anyways!
Interesting, I will try that. That pic at the end was hand drawn by me and i scanned it in so im not sure how well ill do freehand on the computer. Thanx for the suggestion.