Pretty cool
I give this a 9 good story, good drawings seriously. I liked it keep going :3
This one is about a nerd getting bullied, but he succeds in his SWF life.
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Pretty cool
I give this a 9 good story, good drawings seriously. I liked it keep going :3
Well frist off this was a really neay idea idea to have .swf like movie with its life in school. This was a quick animation with nice aniamtions and a neat way to animate .swf files with eyes and even arms. This was a neat idea and overall a well done frist ep with a strong point and the series looks to be good.
Simple storyline but creative.
The Macintosh Computer Hater Says....
these still need more to it. the art style is great, but it moves really slow and there isn't enough going on. how about, when the good flash goes thru the scanner and it says 'good', why not have him go "yes!" and gesture or something? he just kinda stands there. there needs to be more movement, more display.
you should give it the type of movement and action that's in the later 'scrotum the puppy' flashes and this series would reach new heights. the art's great, but it's not reaching its full potential.
Very origional. If you wanted to be a little funny you chould show what happoned to the SWF file that went to the obituaries. ya know, blam him and all *grins*
good job
Ha nice graphics, and it was nice to watch with the slow mood music, it was a good short story of the swf's life heh, kinda sad in the end with the bad one, heh anyways nice work, hope to see more with this eries, if it is a series...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A day and life of a swf...