I actually got a giggle out of this, actually made my day.
If you are sick of crappy stick movies, you're not alone.
I actually got a giggle out of this, actually made my day.
a little note
stop giving advice to dead people. let the dude sleep.
if u dont like the movies then dont watch them
This sucks
Al it was was tweening poorly drawn graphics that you put to poor quality sounds... Anyone know if you can rate lower than 0/10??? if so please let me know how....
^^Good Points^^
Stick figures were the KK of yesteryear, and instead of combating them with equally crappy movies as is mostly done today, you decided to actually make a half decent movie. As always, lots of detailed violence and good music.
^^Needs Improving^^
Not really a parody, which is what I was expecting. Something rather humorous and crappy is what I was expecting.