"Do you think society..." err, that was about the extent of what I understood of Cletus' monolouge. Although you joke about not being able to understand what he says, audio is one half of the spectrum of how to rate a movie along with visuals on the other side. So, if it is near impossible to make out what a character is saying, then that is just a sign that there could be some improving somewhere along the movie. It is fine and dandy if you want to make these movies quick and consist of one joke, but if you do make sure that the joke is funny and people get it. It could be assumed that Cletus was talking about negative stigmas that people have about other races, and then have a central character say "bling, bling!" but it is not funny and was kind of a let down. Your characters are the same ones in regards of designs as usual, and still have rigid movements that also need some improvements.