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El Dia De Los Muertos

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A school project about the mexican day of the dead. There are pauses in between because it is a group presentation where people speak in between.

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Some tradition...

The Mexican Day of the Dead? They celebrate death? Cool. You actually taught me a few things on Mexican history. I didn't know much about Mexico.
Nice work, Joe!
P.S. I don't care if this review is useless.


emm... not very illustrative i might say. ¬_¬... although there was some true things on it. And what's whit the calavera accent? that doesnt sound mexican at all...

seems like a cool tradition!!!

If i died, i would like that tradition, but here's a theory to boggle something in you're mind... If you we're dead and you wouldnt go to heaven nor hell. Then you'd turn into a ghost! RIGHT?! right, so basicaly if you turn in a ghost that would be the only way that you would get the tradition done, now lets not hope everyone is a ghost or our children will be scared to death. So this tradition will work only if you're deceased loved one is a ghost. By being in heaven you can't be alowed to do things into the materiel realm when you're into the spectral realom!!!(the souls) Even in hell you would die completely from existance... I'm not crazy i just believe in ghosts, it makes so much sense!

((( CUTE )))

Ha that was cute, gotta love when a skull just starts talking to you, anyways that was cool, great audio btw, nice voice overs, and it was good on the eyes aswell, notbad at all, keep on the flash works...


It's a Jo-Joe

jo jo action, satisfaction.
loved it
wish i had taken spanish w/ Sra. just to see it.
well... not really. b/c Sra.'s a BITCH!!!!!!!!

Credits & Info

3.66 / 5.00

Nov 30, 2003
7:55 PM EST