Pretty good game very nice
Hey cocks and cunts this is my first game and its only a demo so please review fairly, considering this is my best work.
Oh shit forgot to say, this game plays like Lunar Lander, try to land on the pads without going to fast. just uses the 4 arrow keys and you can currently skip levels with ENTER
Pretty good game very nice
A Classic
yeh, ok lunar lander was playable
this wasn't that bad, i got to level 6 on my first try, but seriously, i cudnt get further, as soon as it started, i wud get mauled by those flying saw blades, also that fucking music is so annoying, fuck sake, i just muted my computer as soon as i heard it, fucking piece of shit, but, it was at least repsonive and did what it was told, so no prgramming problems, keep trying and im sure you'll get better
Wasnt to great.
It wasnt bad for a first game...but with the people dissing it like that, suck it up. People will say stuff like that even on the best cartoon in the world.
wow, you are suck-ass