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A parody of the show "Cops". Just decided to make a flash video dedicated to pigs.

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a bit short and not all that exciting, but your efforts were good and it was alright to watch.

I thought it was ok.

After reading some of the other reviews, I think that some people missed the point of this completely. It does not appear to be new in any way because we have seen this act hundreds of times. The part that was NEW was, it made the cops feel totally justified of their actions, even though he killed a person over a donut!


First off, SNL, In living color, Madtv & many other shows have already made numerous parodies of COPS. So to attempt and make something of your own, on the same idea, was a bad choice because the thought of your movie versus their sketch is like thinking about a snail fighting a dinosaur.


I had a hard time staying awake through that one. You really need to work on adding some interesting things to your flash anything interesting will do.

No no no no NO NO NO!

You did it all wrong! If you're going to make fun of the show Cops, you don't actually make fun of COPS, you make fun of the criminals! Everybody knows the first rule in making fun of cops is to have the toothless, shirtless/wifebeater tanktop redneck with 7 kids standing in front of their trailer watching daddy get his ass handed to him by the Cops. The doughnut shop bit was just pretty weak.

Credits & Info

3.00 / 5.00

Nov 25, 2003
7:24 PM EST