agh ok fucking moron read that
lisent idiot, i saw ur review to the one ring special edition, ur a totally moron! if u dont like the humour of legendary frog dont say every1 do IDIOT! he was first in the top 50 many many times! and u critisice his humour but i loose arround 5 minutes of my time in seing ur 3 shit flash movies, i can forgive u for the poor drawings, i can forgive u for the NO music but u say the jokes of legendary frog are bad and yours are totally STUPID, in the first movie that shit of clamp i undestand it was ur first but that was stupid and no sense! the one of the popups, is a shit too! it wasnt have nothing funny and no story! if u dont want the popups go download the google search bar, and that last one, is stupid too! i understanded u wanted to give a fucking moral message or something but it isn't have anything funny! i didn't make any flash, but i know when something is good and something no, im not angry because u dont liked the job of legendary frog, im angry because you are stupid enough to say any1 like's it!, and if u hate fan fictions and the movies of legendary frog DONT SEE THEM!, if u response that send me a mail so i can response u too and dont be gay!