That wasn't bad for a first flash.
Not bad, not good. somewhere inbetween. For a first flash i congratulate you. If this wasn't your first movie then I would give it a BLAM instead of a 3. Next time, try making your movies longer.
this is my first attempt at flash but it turned out a lot better then i expected
That wasn't bad for a first flash.
Not bad, not good. somewhere inbetween. For a first flash i congratulate you. If this wasn't your first movie then I would give it a BLAM instead of a 3. Next time, try making your movies longer.
That wasn't that bad of an acid trip
I dunno if you were like trying to put in visuals what a bad acid trip would be like LISTENING to the band Bad Acid Trip, but I think thats what you tried doing, which wasnt too accurate. If you wanna see a bad acid trip watch the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vagas.
nah i waasn't tryin to make it look like a bad acid trip, this was my first one so i was just tryin out heaps of different stuff.
pretty good
hey pretty good clip but it should be longer
this was the first one i did, so i just used a short song i found by bad acid trip
this rocks!
should have made it longer
If you would have made it 5 x as long, it would have been one hell of a movie...
To stimulate you I'll vote 5