not bad, most drawings looked nice. And joepopo is a true idiot...WTF does it matter what happened in the show? *cough*nerd*cough*
I don't think it worked last time I tried so I'm trying it again. This is eoisode 1 of 3. Hopefully.
not bad, most drawings looked nice. And joepopo is a true idiot...WTF does it matter what happened in the show? *cough*nerd*cough*
wtf this doesn't make sence at all
that is not what happend in the show.the supreme kai trys to stop goku and vageta from fighting. so goku was about to blast the supreme kai so he could fight with vageta but the supreme kai says "ok fight with vageta me and gohan will try to destroy majin buu"then babide makes vageta kill the supreme kai but vageta says "NO,i rafuse i have no your bussiness with the kai it does not matter to me"and vageta did not destory half the crowd he destoryed a quartar of the crowd.
Not bad
Hmmm not a bad movie could be a lot longer Nice art but Goku looks like he has a fro...but that's ok keep trying.
Good Sound and Good Artwork but it was 2 short and didnt have a story or anything make part 2 ALOT longer an put some story in it and it'll be great
Sorry to disapoint you, but this movie is far from original and bored me a bit. I see these things too much, but I like the artwork.