Not that bad...
Needs more sounds. A gulping/vacuum sound would have been perfect for the inhaling scenes. Try not to get to repetitive next time.
as you can all tel there is a difference between the weekly informer and the weekly informative. the informer is the finished verson of the flicks while the informative is my test flicks so that i can see what improvments i should make and if any ine has any good suggestions. so sit back and get a sneak peek ofnext weeks program. and a very special thanks to my weenie! if it weren't for her being so fat (13 pounds over weight) and her ever so loveable tapdancing, i would have had a dry spell. well do enjoy
Not that bad...
Needs more sounds. A gulping/vacuum sound would have been perfect for the inhaling scenes. Try not to get to repetitive next time.
wasn't THAT bad.
It was ok. The characters were kinda messed up, but I guess it was good.
meaning it was good and hilarious, what the hell was it, i have no idea, but still hilarious
it was good but im just posting a review so i dont have to look at that pompous asshole talking like hes the god of flash.
Work hard
I think that this movie was pretty damn CRAPPY, I usually give people a decent score, but this time i gave u a 0, You seem to have a little bit of potential, try taking your time and adding little bits of detail. I know its hard to work on flash movies for a long time, but I guarantee that if you work long and hard on a single flash movie, that you will get a good score