Good music.
every thing else was incredibly boring and pointless though.
There was no plotline to it, poor graphics and the only good element was the sound.
Boring, pure and simple.
Me and my friends worked quite hard on this one! Thx to Flashdefata
But i did the most job!
New upgrades:
changing the location of the big grey banner bug is fixed!
Changed the grave!
R I P ^^
Good music.
every thing else was incredibly boring and pointless though.
There was no plotline to it, poor graphics and the only good element was the sound.
Boring, pure and simple.
good work......
I like it make more of them.
wow that was pretty bitchin
yep thats all i have to say
((( IT WAS OK )))
It was ok, kinda funny, the music was just perfect for the syle of movie, the art could be alot better, seemed abit sloppy but still was funny, notbad atall...
Riktigt bra :D
Fortsätt med det asså!!!
skit bra ju!
hoppas på fler filmer.
Fast en sak vore kul också, om man skulle sammarbeta på en jätte film, skulle inte du vilja det? det vore hel häftigt :D
Jo förresten, ledsen det jag svarade på om ditt svar på min film, efter jag hade skrivit den så fattade jag hur dumt det lät, jag svarade på det om din talang, det jag menade var att själv ser jag inte mig själv som duktigt, så ursäkta om du tog det hårt,
men den här filmen var bra!
det var den!
mycket fin musik också, roliga gubbar :D
ja du får ha det så bra, och fortsätt med det bra arbetet :D
det skulle va ballt att sammarbeta på nån film!As ballt asså. Fasst då måste vi kunna skicka material över msn! Mitt msn e