I couldn't understand this but that actually made it funny. I liked the drawing, the dog looked very cute :) Nice work but put it in english next time :P
~ DeIvL666 ~
this film is sufficiently short, but this film is plus a homage to our friends who we have! for the Brazilians who to see this film I had permission of the author marcelo duarte stops for this animation in newgrounds!
I couldn't understand this but that actually made it funny. I liked the drawing, the dog looked very cute :) Nice work but put it in english next time :P
~ DeIvL666 ~
(title in work)
Ok, the animations and drawings weren't bad. I had no idea what was going on half the time, but the art wasn't bad. Sound effects are in the same boat. I find it odd that this is in a different language, yet you have the title and description in English, so people who speak this language won't even be able to find it.
Puta que pariu, de novo???
Quanta pilantragem, hein meu amigo? Então por 'refazer' uma animação, vc entende por um barulhinho do Mortal Kombat no começo? Um absurdo!
Pelo menos vc não se arriscou a traduzir que nem naquela aberração que vc postou aqui sobre o Bush.
"Eu tinha permissao PARA POR essa animaçao no newgrounds. Hum, como se traduz isso? Segundo o dicionário, PARA=stop, POR=for. STOP FOR! "
It needs translation. Even if I could understand it looked like it sucked. First a dog bit a ball, then the ball hit whiskey and just randomly burst into flames, then the people screamed and ran out of their house! Very random.
I dunno
I dunno if the fact that I don't understand what their saying makes this funnier or worst