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Author Comments

once its loaded please give it a few seconds...its not broken i just put a few too many frames in =D

Im aware I have minimal flash skills I was looking at this at more of a symbolic standpoint

Hey just wanted to make this peice...kinda was compelled to do it...It may be contreversial but Its just something I felt I should do...Please by all means judge on how you feel and be honest...like it or hate it, hey thats ok your entitled to have your own opinion...be sure to review and have a good day

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It's well assembled

What's your point though? I mean it's probably something that can create an emotional reaction in many but what's it's meaning? War is Bad? The War in the Middle East is bad? Or foreign policy is bad?

Furthermore what's your solution? You know for whatever it is that's bad?


I really liked this piece- Something like this should be on the front page.
It was moving.
What I took from it was that- through this whole conflict, people and children are being hurt. And that shit's really uncool. Everyone in this world has people who care for them and love them (even if they don't know it). There is no need to harm our fellow human beings.
A beautiful piece of work.
Thank you for making this.


i don't know what you wanted people to take from this but that dosent matter i took it my own way. thank you for submiting somthing like this. we may dissagrey on what is happening in the world i don't know

i just want you to know your movie was in its way moving.



well the grahpics were not as good as i suspected but the music made up for that definitely so good job

love the song, good video BUT

im in love with the song/band but i cant but the two together.. it seems more like something of a suprise? like to be fitted with pearl harbor or the bombing of london? just my two cents and turn it up if you can hear the faint words at the end

Credits & Info

2.97 / 5.00

Nov 10, 2003
6:47 PM EST