An advertisement selling Pokemon condoms. The art includes crudely clipped Pokemon characters and a badly drawn Pikachu. The sound is pretty average as well. This doesn't have the charm the Bojangler material has. Pretty poor.
Poke - a - Monster Condom commercial. It's a lot smaller than my others (430 kb).
An advertisement selling Pokemon condoms. The art includes crudely clipped Pokemon characters and a badly drawn Pikachu. The sound is pretty average as well. This doesn't have the charm the Bojangler material has. Pretty poor.
the bitmap and vector imagery were blended humorously
nice little bit Subvertising
the voicing was superb and the lines of dialogue were great
the music is a little bit to loud and makes some dialogue less audible
the XXSm Extra extra small thing made me laugh
the bitmap graphics and the vector graphics didn't mix well
i think it would have been much better if you did all of it in flash or all of it useing bitmap graphics or at least edited the graphics better
the narration was voiced well but he was the only voiced character i think it would have been funnier if they were all voiced
Pokemon had its own tv show at the time this was made so you could have taken some voice work from that and taken it out of context
the graphics were shitty but the picachu was good
but the audio saves it
Hmmmm...I'd want one!
Though in all seriousness I recall seeing a clip of something similar to this it was pretty funny to watch a cutout of ash humping a crappily drawn Pikachu...I can't believe I just said that. But either way this was just...I dont know I can't even decide if it's good or not.
lol ill be honest i just have been typing random numbers in view a portal thing but this has me agreeing and makes me wonder how girls do it 0.0