Well done!
I love this song ALL I WANT IS BANG BANG BANG! *cat sticking up his middle finger*
This was my first cartoon to survive on Newgrounds, after the first time it got blammed. It kind of sucks now that I look back, but if you're a Group X fan, you might like it... Depending on how much you believe the visuals to fit in with the song, anyway.
Well done!
I love this song ALL I WANT IS BANG BANG BANG! *cat sticking up his middle finger*
I must say, this is a very interesting and thought-provoking movie. I have many fond memories of this. It all started when one day, I was taking a shower. I was washing my hair, but the shampoo fell off my hair and went into my dickhole! It really burned. Actually, it burned so much, that I cried, and then I sliped on some soap and fell on my head. I woke up a few hours later, to find that my whole bathroom was flooded! I didn't really care, though. Anyway, my wife came into the bathroom a few minutes later. She said she wanted to show me something. She came in with the laptop, and showed me the movie. And, I must say, the message you are trying to make in this movie is very touching. I laughed. I cried. On a smaller note, though, I thought maybe you tried a little too hard, because the main character just talks about fucking his girlfriend all the time. Or is he talking about shooting her? Man, I don't know, I'm so confused. But that's what makes this movie so thought-provoking! The music is wonderfully composed, too, who did it? If this had a theatrical release, I would nominate it for the Oscars! This is amazing! In fact, it was so amazing, that when my wife showed it to me on her laptop, I punched her in the face, choked her, and then I drowned her and raped her dead coarpse. This wonderful film just fills me with feelings of anger, depression, happiness, amazement... I could go on for days. But the point is, this is quite possibly the greatest film ever made. Well done, Mr. Kogan.
It had its funny parts but the animation is terrible.
I like your username... A reference to the awesome "Pulp Fiction." The Jack Rabbit Slim's part was probably my favorite scene of the whole movie, and just for that restaurant alone!
not bad
Author's comments:
The 400th stupid "Bang Bang Bang" music video. Horrible
My comments:
Well, this movie was rather stupid, but in a good way. i got a good laugh out of it.
Your just ripping off good work!!
The only reason this submision has a good score is because the audience thinks that you made the song, that your in group x.
I f you read some of the reviews you notice that not all have seen the original, and since its the first time they hear the song, they vote 5
I dont think theres much talent in your flash, your just ripping off good work
Sorry, if Im being very rude on this one, but Im very angry for the moment
Your assumptions are dogshit. This movie sucks and I'm sure everybody is aware of that. The song won't change that.