a quite random comedy to me it seems!!!
Random Blood stains. Tell me to my fuckin' face that you ready to DIE! Big ballin', shot callin', jam it, slam it, wham it! Fool!
Enjoy this completely ramdom flash and don't bitch about it not having a story cause everything in it is fucking metaphor for life. ITs a fucking life lesson, dick.
a quite random comedy to me it seems!!!
Was hilarious the writing and lines in this made the show pretty much
Fucking funny but short and random. MattaJ needs to go kill his stupid hillbilly inbred no good waste of DNA ass. Him being alive just makes me wanna fuckin go crazy. if I ever saw him I would beat his ass with a baseball bat till he couldn't stand and I'd light his ass on fire. FUCK MATTAJ'S STUPID ASS YOU CAN'T GET SUED FOR THIS. Please do us all a favour and die painfully. I want you to kill yourself but you can't be a pussy and shoot your self. You gotta die painfully cause that's the only way to pay for your crimes. You gotta fucking Ice Pick your balls till you bleed to death. Eat razorblades and shit them out and die from a lacerated ass hole. Fuckin deep fry yourself and before your last few seconds of life inhale that hot grease so it can burn your lungs. My point is, DIE PAINFULLY MATTAJ!!!!!!!!!!!
all your flash movies are random and funny as shit! :D :D :D
idk why this one has a low rating
the eye throwing up blood was the funniest part XD
the fucking guy beside me is like oh god that was groos!and that was weird