Not good not bad
You should of added a mode were u can choose winners
A Huntervision of Sonic vs Mario. This is my first FLASH also, so be nice, and thanks to VGDC for the help.
BTW: The music for sonics side was the matrix theme, but it made the file too big.
Not good not bad
You should of added a mode were u can choose winners
sorry but u should practice before you post stuff
OK first off you need better sound quality and originality. first off you use sprites- something that is overused and also look how many people made a sonic vs Mario. first off sonic always wins unless hes paralyzed. because he is fit and is the fastest thing alive. no i like them both but Mario is a fat greedy plumber who jumps on monsters while sonic is a savior of worlds. all i saw was a bad and unoriginal sprite movie posted to test how an audience would react. and why was sonic being attacked? add a story and make your animation more smooth. im sorry if i angered you but better luck next time. btw i didnt give you a 0 because sonic could lose. i gave you it because you were very unoriginal , you had no story , animation wasnt smooth , sound quality, and it was too short. if you need music ask me and ill give it to you for your projects ill post some on my favorites.
Hmm... well, it wasn't that bad. The sprites were okay but they moved a little slowly. Also, get a better pre-loader; the annoying flashing title was, well... annoying! The music wasn't bad. It ended kind of suddenly.
~ Z
dude im sorry
man that wasnt good srry but it just wasnt to ng par
look this better be your first time
some hints for the future dont make sprites small and one big make it longermore endings uhhhhhh use popular music and the screen was so small please get better