¿¿¿??? Aburrido, poco original, corto (gracias a dios)... Por favor, no lo continues
Just A little project over my fall break kinda short and crummy but hey i tried ill be coming out with the WHOLE thing next time that wont be till winter break comes so just enjoy with what i got; aight well enjoy! And Hey Shouts to Ed Skudder for the idea.
¿¿¿??? Aburrido, poco original, corto (gracias a dios)... Por favor, no lo continues
Hey, I liked it. You did something new with sticks. Most people just draw crappy looking figures and try to pass it off, but you actually did a nice job. I liked the DBZ thing. Always nice. A bit short but I'll be looking forward to your next movie. ^_^
Maybe the wide world of Xaio Xaio has spoiled me, but I have come to expect more than that from a stick figure movie. Spend less time ripping off the backdrop from Paper Wars and more time making a decent fight scene.
ed skudder...yes
I was about to say, looks a lot like paper wars, one of my favorite movies, I'd vote higher, but I know you can do better!
Good paper movie!
One problem I had was it felt kinda slow.You know choppy like.Music didnt catch my attention either,but ill give it a 4 anyway.