Dude.... this is cool so you should totally make a game out of it. I just payed walpaperman's (coughlamecough) game, and it is really lame. You should totally make more of this.
Dude.... this is cool so you should totally make a game out of it. I just payed walpaperman's (coughlamecough) game, and it is really lame. You should totally make more of this.
Very neat.
Creative, short, and enjoyable. Nothing much more to say than that, other than: Why isn't there more? =)
Love Anything Samurai
Whoo! ^_^ Love it, make more please!
soo unfair
Even in the movie it says that the no 4 is coming soon so hold your promise to all of us and make a forth one!!!
Thanks no 3 was great too :)
must make more
you must make more!!!
Sorry, but I dont know if I will be making more for a long while. Wallpaperman (cheap bastard) will probably just rip the images from the new movie and call them his own anyways. But more importantly, I lost my library of images I use as starting frames for animations, so the charecters will look diferent if I make another. But dont worry. Someday... one day... With a Sword 4 wil come out, and it will be longer, buffer and have an actualy story!! well, maybe no story.