this is mildly well animated, but not the best!!!
if you havnt watched mario! 1 you should do so before watching this or you will not understand the apple joke.
this is mildly well animated, but not the best!!!
When is 3 coming out???
Well, I am patient, but I am starting to lose my cool here, but when is it coming out??
Will it have Explicit text, or audio?
Great Job
I loved this collection because it is so funny, but it has been many many many months now and 3 is still not here. Im sorry if I seem impatient but when is it comming? But still take your time dude. Great Job.
when i saw the apple joke in the first 1 i laughed then when i saw it in the second i cryed with laughter plz plz plz put the apple bit in the 3rd 1
good job man..