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uncle the elephant

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This is my first attempt at flash animation. I have made it to promote my website www.uncle-tv.com which is all about the uncle books by J.P.Martin and an animation project I am working on based on the books.

Because there are so many diverse characters in the books I thought it would be fun to introduce them in a kind of pastiche of the ‘Trainspotting’ posters.
I don’t have a lot of experience in animation so it’s a bit crude – but fun I think.

What’s it about?

Uncle is an elephant. He is immensely rich, and he’s a B.A. He dresses well, generally in a purple dressing gown, and often ridesabout on a traction engine, which he prefers to a car. He lives in a castle called Homeward, which is hard to describe, but try to think of about a hundred skyscrapers all joined together and surrounded by a moat with a drawbridge over it, and you’ll get some idea of it. The castle is so large that parts of it are unknown to its owner. Many dwarfs live in the top storeys. They pay rent to Uncle every Saturday. It’s only a pound a week, but it mounts up when there are thousands of dwarfs. The main view from Uncle’s splendid house is marred by his enemy’s dingy fortress – the huge sprawl of Badfort. The Badfort crowd, led by Beaver Hateman, are Uncle’s chief critics and adversaries - a constant thorn in his side. The Uncle stories tell of his adventures in the remoter parts of Homeward, his efforts to maintain order and his constant conflicts with the Badfort Crowd.

If you would like to find out more about the books and see some other test animations I have done then take a look at my website.



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((( OK )))

Well that was kinda different, good set-up, but the movie was very different unique i guess it could be, i think i like your style, keep on flashing...



That was an odd movie. The format was nice but it really didn't even seem like a move it was more an intro to a movie. It needs some work.

one big introduction

i got all excited about it. it could have been great
but then it ended the music is good though


not too good, but its your first time, livecorpse i think thats a little harsh. i liked the music. just keep trying

Pretty crappy.

Bad drawing. Bad effects. Nothing happened. How this almost acheived higlight status is beyond me. THankfully it will soon be swept away by crap movies just like it.

Credits & Info

2.08 / 5.00

Oct 25, 2003
12:27 PM EDT