Words from simon
"dredfull absoulutly dreadful"
thinking of makin a series of these, kinda like a-z of of dating for morons... if u want a series, includin audio and better graphics pleaze comment telling me.
Words from simon
"dredfull absoulutly dreadful"
hahaha u giving advice
y are u spending ur time making a flash to give advice to people.... if u were such a good PIMP shouldnt u be doing some confidence wateva stuff instead of wasteing ur time tryin 2 make a flash.
well... u shouldnt make a series, because your facts can be missleading. because maybe where ur from girls want nice guys, but in some places, they just want 2 have sex.... so dont think u know everything aiite?
maybe u can just make a lil movie about a guy tryin 2 get a girl and not give advice to people
sorry to be harsh, but that has to be the worst thing i have ever seen on here.
This was just blammed no more than an hour ago.