Don't Friggen Touch ME!!!
Realy funny I loved it so much I watched 6 times ^_^. Friggen pointless but realy funny. By the way Bush doen't want you to touch him.!!
I'd say something about this, but I'd hate to give anything away.
Don't Friggen Touch ME!!!
Realy funny I loved it so much I watched 6 times ^_^. Friggen pointless but realy funny. By the way Bush doen't want you to touch him.!!
Alright, We know Bush Sucks :s!
Please report more of this parodies!
i dont know wat ur smokin, but u should share
was that a pirody of cant touch this?
i rated all 10 for the simple reason i dont like "bush" i would have prefered if his head exploded at the end but cant have everything now can we...?
good stuff mate, keep it up. lol
i luaghed OUT LOUD!