This definitely needs work but since you haven't been on here since 2004, I guess we'll never see the completed version of this. That's too bad since I would've liked seeing it completed.
this movie isnt done yet, but this is what i have so far. i just want to see what every one has to say about it, like help on some of the scenes and animation or ideas as to where it should go from there. please watch this if you are willing to try and help, but if you just want to shoot your mouth off and insult some one please find someone else.
just remeber!!!! this movie is not finished!!!
This definitely needs work but since you haven't been on here since 2004, I guess we'll never see the completed version of this. That's too bad since I would've liked seeing it completed.
it kinda cool
i want to see better animation, and i need the characters more definable. + the car is supposed to look like a 1978 oldsmobile. looks like a cool idea though
dude the clip really needs improvent
when you do a someting like thisiat least do the decence of making it visionable
at least there was some blood...
that's all i can give you. add sounds, refine your animation skills, add more to it story-wise, and uh.... maybe have somethin blow up w/ lots of bloody goodness!!! -thats as constructive my criticizing has ever been, you should be happy; but what you have now is crap, so dont be.
nobody likes it its horrible. andres9632 said there wasnt a boomstick because ur animation skills suk so horribly he couldnt see them,dont use im not done yet as an excuse what u have so far suks monkey cock.