Come, that wasn't funny
I looked at your other submisions, and they are all funnier than this piece of blammant flock. I'll give you a credit for animation, though.
looking at my music/sounds folder i found that prank call that i ve downloaded from the net,a while ago and..i thought it would b a good idea to...animate it is! enjoy!
Come, that wasn't funny
I looked at your other submisions, and they are all funnier than this piece of blammant flock. I'll give you a credit for animation, though.
That Sucked So Much * Gag's *
I've Coughed up Better Thing's Than This Crap... I Usually Laugh at Anything But That... What a Waste of Space... I Wouldn't Rate That Shit Unless You Got on Your Hand's and Knee's and Begged Me to... Humph Well I'll Go Look for Some Movie's That DON'T Suck Now...
Majin Phoenix.
Second Ruler of the Sajian Race.
That was some funny shit:)) lmao
it leave me at a lack of words
It's nice, but not that funney.
pretty funny
This aint all that bad, i though the voices were funny and the bruce lee look-a-like lol, not bad! :)