Don't know what to say
I just find it funny how fast the guy catches on fire
it might not be the best ever, but its not sticks, and its all frame by frame, so it took a long ass time to make. dont try to make any sense out of it, just enjoy the blood.
Don't know what to say
I just find it funny how fast the guy catches on fire
Yeah I made it that fast by mistake but I guess it turned out funny.
Good effort, poor execution. Pointless violence doesn't go far unless the animation is insane or innovative and entertaining like Madness Redeemer.
the thing is, madness redeemer was made by an artist who is incredibly talented beyond description, i am just an amateur.
I dont know bout this you were lucky to get a four. I gave you a four because of the smooth animation but stupid shit like the very end when you do a big cluster fuck of words (that was stupid) What did the name Ishmael have to do with any thing..........this wasnt an Omish movie
yeah it was....
Not Bad
Animation was nice and smooth. Could use a soundtarck, a little more colour and a plot.
thats funny because i added music, but then i didnt like it so i took it out, it was hard to find a song that fit.
One good point
Out that movie i found that your animation of the people was quite fluid and very good. As long as you can put in a plot you flash movies will be much better.
good plots are hard to think of...