Not funny/anything, waste o time, should b blammed
Why did you submit this? For starters, there's nothing funny about it. If Buddhists want to watch something from the gutter, they'll watch south park thank you very much. Please try to understand that making Buddha loudly fart several times at once, then start to dance ridiculously to 'don't touch this'. And then to, 'Hennery the 8th I am' with your teacher Mr. Greenley, makes Buddha look very undignified to the point where he looks idiotic. Making it offensive to Buddhists and their religion, as it will make their religion and their beliefs seem idiotic in your eyes. Or, in the eyes of anyone who would find this even remotely funny. The graphics are sub-par, you didn't even try. And I’m not even going to comment on your music with no sound. In short you should be ashamed of yourself, and apologetic to anyone you have offended. This movie should be blamed. And you should banned from newgrounds. This kind of derogatory potty humour is unacceptable.