sick tricks
by 10 i mean eighteen.
fuckin eh yo
its updated now
i put in jess margera and fixed the ending
sick tricks
by 10 i mean eighteen.
fuckin eh yo
I've seen a lot better work..
The movement of the stick character isnt realistic, nor is the physics when he skates, keep it up, and i look forward to seeing more.
Yet again...
Finally, someone who can animate stick figures in extreme sports.
I was gettin' sick of the "slide,fliy up onto the rail without so much as a twitch" crap.The board seemed kinda long,but that really matter.
Come on!
Just another damn stick skating movie, BLAM! yeah, and one more thing cky is bullshit and there washed up.
yeah man that was really good i thought, i liked cky playing at the end and the tricks were cool skateboarding, i mean a lot of them were real a couple were not but at leats you did not trace like some movies do good job!!